Achieve What You Dreamed of When You Started Your Business

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Business Growth Dilemma

Do you know how small business owners work their business like a job? They struggle to grow it for years, even decades. The independence and financial freedom they dreamed of at the beginning seems so far out of their reach, they feel handcuffed to their business.

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Business Growth is NOT the Goal

The problem is they have made business growth their goal.  Business growth is not the goal.  Business growth is only a vehicle that gets you to your goal.

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Business Growth Dilemma

Do you know how small business owners work their business like a job? They struggle to grow it for years, even decades. The independence and financial freedom they dreamed of at the beginning seems so far out of their reach, they feel handcuffed to their business.

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SPARC Tools LogoBGS can help you get their using our proprietary method called SPARC Business Growth Framework. SPARC is a 6 step process designed to help small business owners accelerate business growth to achieve business self-sustainability which gives you the independence and financial freedom you’ve always dreamed of.




By applying SPARC to grow a self-sustaining business you can look forward to:

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  • Improving both your personal and business cash flow.
  • Developing the independence, you wanted when you started your business.
  • Producing the financial freedom, you dreamed of in the beginning.
  • Decreasing the risk to your family and families of your employees should something happen to you.
  • Increasing your business value so you get more if and when you decide to sell it.
  • Making more exit options for yourself when you decide to leave completely.
  • Helping you catch the attention of investors and corporate buyers.


No matter what you want for your business, self-sustainability is at the core of the solution. It will help you:

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  • Achieve independence and financial freedom as an absentee owner.
  • Maximize your business value if you want to sell your business
  • Accelerate the leadership transition of your family owned business


Find out more about each of these scenarios by clicking the appropriate icon below.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column][/vc_column][/vc_row]